

I want to preface this by saying that I am at the beginning of my spiritual journey and these are just some of my own thoughts and opinions regarding religion and spirituality at this point in my journey. Just as people evolve and change, ideas and opinions are also subject to change. My views regarding this incredibly complex topic will most likely continue to evolve.

When typically asked whether I am religious, my answer is no, however, as I have given the concept of religion more thought I have found that it is possible that I am religious. Religion has been a part of humanity for over 100 thousand years. Religion has been the cause of war, death, love and hate. Religion has caused immense separation and pain amongst humanity. I fortunately live in a place and time that I can freely express my religious beliefs, however, this has not always been the case. Scientists and early philosophers were placed in jail and beheaded for questioning the systems and evidence of religion. I have always had a hard time understanding  why there is so much separation and judgment within religion. Humans are bound to have different opinions. No religion is the best religion. No religion is right or wrong and at the end of the day the foundations of all religions are quite similar. Despite differing viewpoints, we should all be able to coexist and contribute to this beautiful world.

To me religion, at the core, is simply a strong ideological viewpoint that someone holds regarding the universe and the human experience. This viewpoint may involve a God or may simply be a belief in a basic concept. Personally I don't believe in a God but rather an overarching, powerful force base that has the ability to impact our human experience. Every living thing is made up of matter which is essentially a bunch of tiny particles that are constantly in motion. The movement of these particles causes the output of energetic frequencies, meaning that everything in the universe vibrates at different frequencies. The law of attraction at the core is that energy attracts energy which is once again directly correlated with physics. These vibrations and attractions of energies allow our world to function. I also believe that because of the order and unity throughout our universe that almost everything happens for a reason. A month ago I would have said that everything happens for a reason and that is just what I believe. No one had ever really called my opinion into question or had asked me to explain how I came to this belief. I realized that I relied on this belief because it was easy.  If something I didn’t like happened I would cope by telling myself that the universe was looking out for me and there had to be a reason behind whatever had happened. I thought well the inner workings of humans and the world are so complex that everything must just have a reason. As a realist, I also liked this view because I was able to create a reason for almost everything that has happened in my life thus far. I am privileged enough to say that I’ve never experienced an overwhelming tragedy and had always just thought there must be a reason behind terrible things occurring. After being called into question, however, I realized that just as in science when there is order there is also entropy. This disorder can be to blame for the unknown in this alone is what makes our world and universe so magical.  We live in an incredibly complex place. There simply cannot be an explanation to everything and the ability to acknowledge this and make peace with this has allowed me to rise above in my spiritual practice.